Pond Maintenance

I will never run out of line items on my to-do list, of this I’m quite sure! Yesterday, I spent a good portion of my day working on a couple of websites for folks. Vastly different subject matter, but each equally interesting and exciting. Once they are completed, I’ll be adding links on my consulting website.

Today’s tasks are going to focus getting things in order in our entryway. The front porch needs sweeping (silly chickens, they love to dig in my planters, arg!), the incubator needs sterilizing, and our little frog and fish ponds need more attention. Over the weekend, George very kindly pulled all of the citronella plants out from alongside the ponds. I really loathe that stuff. It seems to me that first of all, it’s redundant – the fish eat any mosquito larvae, and think those are delicious! Secondly, when it gets planted in the ground, it spreads with the fury of a Facebook hoax, and refuses to be controlled. And that means I can’t see the ponds very well. I’m always going to be sore about the previous owners having put it in the ground. I’ve tried to use vinegar and boiling water to kill it, I’ve tried to dig up the roots, all to no avail. It always comes back. I’m pretty limited in what I can use to control it, because of the proximity to the water, and the critters who live there. But thankfully, for now, it is gone! This enables me to get more cleaning of the ponds themselves done. I pulled out a bunch of algae on Saturday, and noticed some more that needs removal. I foresee an imminent algae flinging in the next couple of hours, along with an adjustment to the lower pond filter, which is currently sitting too high. Oh, and let’s not forget, some algae treatment. And maybe I can figure out the source of the slow leak in the lower pond.

This is all very important because of the tenants, you know.


We have several frogs and goldfish, along with a couple of koi who live between both ponds. There are some baby frogs this year, too – I bought some Leopard Frog tadpoles last year, and a few managed to elude the fish (who think tadpoles are tasty!) and survive the winter. They are darling.

So, I’ll be tending to the ponds this afternoon, and trying to get some bread and butter pickles made afterward. I have my work cut out for me, and now I just need to get to stitching it all together.

Baby Frog

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