Sad News, Everyone.

I’m seriously bummed out. One of our Silver Duckwing Bantam hens went missing yesterday. She’s the one who has been snuggling at night up in the coop rafters with one of the SDB (“Picard”) roosters. She wasn’t up there with him last night when we shut the coop up for the night and fed them, and he was making some pretty sad-sounding noises. 🙁

I’m feeling kind of guilty, too, because I’m fighting some sort of creepin’ crud of a cold, and so I spent a lot more time indoors yesterday than I normally would. I’m worried that a predator got to her because I wasn’t there to protect our flock. It’s weighing heavily on my mind this morning.

I had hoped that perhaps she’d be wandering outside the coop this morning, as has happened on other occasions with our standard breeds, and with one of our Denizli chicks a couple of weeks ago, but she was nowhere in sight. It dipped below freezing last night, too, so I’m not sure she’d have survived the cold on her own even if she was out there.

This is one of the risks of letting your birds free-range, though. With that freedom comes the opportunity for predators to take advantage of them. I’m usually quite diligent about watching over the flock, but when I’m running at half-speed myself, I guess I’m just not up to the task.

So, we now just have one Silver Duckwing Bantam/Picard hen left in the flock. I’m hoping that she sticks around and is very careful about where she chooses to explore. I wish that I could arm them with tiny little automatic weaponry: Rambo Chickens, if you will. But I guess their lack of opposable thumbs would become an issue with that, too.

I realize that there is a natural order of things, and that predators have to eat, too. I just wish they’d stick to the wild things around here, and leave my poor birds alone!

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4 responses to “Sad News, Everyone.”

  1. Sara Avatar

    Poor girl. I hope she just got lost and found a warm spot for the night.

    1. Trase Avatar

      I am hoping the same thing. 🙁 We started with four of these little hens – one ended up with a tumor and had to be put out of her misery, she was dying very slowly and miserably. The other went MIA a couple of months ago, too. I don’t know, maybe that hatch had health issues and the two that have gone missing went off somewhere to die on their own, but I am suspecting a predator as the more likely culprit.

  2. George Avatar

    Or… one of the stray felines that I’ve spotted around. They don’t differentiate. A bird is a bird.

    1. Trase Avatar

      Yeah, I have been trying to keep an eye out for any of those today, for sure. I understand that folks like to have barn cats out here, but I really, really wish that they’d be responsible and get the animals fixed, so that we don’t end up with so many that are just wanderers. They are not supported by a human family, so they use their feral instincts and destroy livestock – it’s just so counterproductive to farm life.

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