Thought you might like to see how the chicks are doing today. They are keeping warm and toasty; we have moved them into our basement, so no more worries about heat!
Chicks take a lot of naps, which are usually quite spontaneous. It’s adorable.
In other news, we are preparing for the approaching blizzard due to arrive this evening. I’m really hoping that we don’t get hit as hard as they say we’re going to, but all of the data I’ve seen points to the threat being very real. We’re being told that we can expect up to 15 inches of snow, sometimes with as much as an inch per hour accumulation, and that our area will be hit with high winds, causing drifts of up to four feet! The temperatures are going down again tonight, and the wind chills will be severe. We are glad that our animal’s housing provides them good shelter in the winter.
One of my biggest challenges in this cold weather is how badly it triggers my asthma. Every time I go out to take care of the animals, I bundle up, including a scarf across the lower portion of my face. However, it always proves insufficient, and I end up wheezing terribly. A cycling friend recommended that I check into a company called Respro, which makes masks, including one designed for extreme winter weather. I’m trying to find a supplier in the U.S. so as to get it as soon as possible, but so far, no dice on locating that particular model. I’ve emailed Respro and hope to hear back from them soon. If I can’t find it state-side, I’ll be placing my overseas order and hoping that there isn’t any delay in receiving it. Anyone else out there have cold-air triggered asthma? How do you cope?
Be safe and warm, everyone!
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