We had a busy weekend of socializing with friends and family – something we don’t often have the opportunity to do, and so it was quite enjoyable to spend some time with them all! We didn’t get to close up the animals until late on Saturday night, and George discovered that he has a new fan: our Silver Laced Wyandotte hen. She stood on his boot and refused to move. He lifted his leg forward, to see what she would do, and she climbed up his leg. Ever since then, she has wanted to be held by him, or to roost on his shoulder. It’s simply darling. She even whispers in his ear when she’s perched next to it. So.darn.cute. As always, click on the photo to embiggen it.
I can’t stand to continue to use such an impersonal pronoun to refer to her, so let’s give her a name. Wynnie. Yeah, that’ll work. So, Wynnie will also let me hold and pet her, but I’m a paltry substitute for her favorite. 😉 In fact, the only time she really lets me hold her is when I’ve successfully managed to extract her from George’s hands, because he needs a break. She clings to him tightly, though, and wants to stay with him. She’d stay there for hours if she could!
We are all so over this snow stuff. Can’t wait for Spring!
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