A week flies by here on the farm, and we’ve felt time accelerating like a Shinigami (AFAS) or an A-Wing fighter. It’s been unreal. The arrival of the babies, and subsequent milking of the mothers, as well as bottle feeding the babies, has just kept us on our toes, which is why it’s been over a week since you last heard from me here! I had the babies outside today, and thought I’d share some photos and video with you. While this post may not be deep with words, it will drown you with cuteness, I hope. 🙂 The babies are going to look different – there are little cauterization marks on their heads where they were disbudded on Sunday. Also, you may notice shades of green or black on their ears; this is just remnants of where they were tattooed with our herd symbol.
The littles are doing pretty well on the bucket feeder – save for one, Badger (one of Ginger’s twins), who is currently in the house with us, where he’s been since yesterday. I found him very skinny and howling yesterday morning, and rushed him inside. He’s being fed a bottle that includes probiotics, getting cuddled and monitored until he is doing better. I am hoping to have him back to the barn tonight. He will probably need to be hand-fed separate from the rest. He’s a little cuddlebug and I’m growing attached to him; I hope that we can find a good home for him and for Lovie’s little boy. They can go either as bucks to a herd that is in need of a sire, or as wethers (neutered) to anyone who would like a nice pet. If you are thinking of getting a goat as a pet, bear in mind that they are herd animals, and as such, will do best with at least one other goat to have as a companion. Little “Wash” as we’ve been calling him is going to a wonderful home with our friends at Paw Paw Farms, where he will be a new herd sire!
Our girls are milking pretty well for first fresheners – we are getting anywhere between 2 to 2.5 gallons of milk per day from them. We are in the process of getting our goat herd share program up and running, and as soon as we are able to, we will be selling shares. Watch for news on that soon!
Please excuse the mucky yuck of the yard in the photos and video. This is the first sunny, dry day we’ve had in awhile, and our property hasn’t soaked up all of the rain we’ve had recently. We are really looking forward to being able to purchase enough fencing supplies to create a large pasture area. As always, click on any photo to embiggen.
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