This morning around 8:00 am, Gidget gave birth to a little doeling, who we are calling Kaylee. With little Mancha ears like her mama, Kaylee is all white except for a darkish tip on her tail, and shaggy hair like her daddy. Gidget is freaked out and wasn’t taking to the baby, so I milked her colostrum and have bottle fed Kaylee here in the house.
We’ll be getting all of the babies out to the barn into a nursery pen later this evening. Meantime, she’s napping here in the house, cozy in her little sweater. Inara wants to play with her in the worst way, and Kaylee seems interested, but she doesn’t yet have command of her legs, so I’m keeping their interactions limited until she’s a bit more steady. You can see Inara’s ear in the foreground of the photo; she was trying to scale up my body while I bent down to take Kaylee’s picture. Click on the photo to embiggen, as always.
Two more girls are due to give birth, Heidi and Lovie. I’m really excited to meet their kids! I’m wondering if Heidi’s baby will be black, like her, and whether Lovie’s offspring will be white with wattles like its mama. You know I’ll share as soon as I know!
So far, no word from the crew that is scheduled to bury our T1 line today, and clearly, we are still online. So as the saying goes, “no news is good news!” If you can’t get to the site, please check our Twitter account for updates on our ETA to be back up and running. Thanks! 🙂
We hope you enjoy this blog and the antics of our farm. If you’d like to see special updates, including photos and interesting farming and food related links, please become our fan on Facebook, and if you use Twitter, by all means, please follow us there – you’re likely to see the very first photos of babies tweeted from a phone camera out in the barn, before you see it here on the site!
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