Ginger’s Twins




Around 3:30 today, I discovered Ginger in labor in the barn. She, like most does, was insistent on having some privacy, so I let her be, and checked back on her two hours later. She had just given birth to twins, with a doeling coming first and a buckling second. He’s taller than his sister, which you can see in the photo where he’s in the foreground and she’s behind him.

Babies and mama are doing fine. We tied off and cut their cords and dipped them in iodine to prevent navel ill.

Also, I saw Heidi’s baby moving around inside, and felt its head pushing when I placed my hand on her side. That’s an active baby! Very excited to meet it in the days to come. All of our babies have the same sire – an American Alpine. Guess his genetics are pretty dominant, because so far, all three have his coloring. He’s similar in appearance to our Veronica, who is also an American Alpine.

We’ve been asked what our plans are with the babies – the doelings will be staying here on the farm, and the bucklings will be needing new homes. If they are to remain intact bucks, we would need notice and a commitment soon, because otherwise, they will be wethered (castrated) and sold either as pets or for meat. If you are interested in a buckling, please let us know. We only have this little guy thus far, but three more girls are due to give birth over the next week, so there is the chance for more. (Although, we are hoping for doelings, as you may have guessed already.) šŸ˜‰

Time to make dinner and eat, then its back to the barn!

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One response to “Ginger’s Twins”

  1. Terri Avatar

    Awwwww. The big brother and the little sister!!! sweet

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