
Ginger’s twins have their names! The doeling is Zoe, and the buckling is Badger. Fans of Firefly and Serenity ought to recognize these as characters from the series. If you aren’t already aware, our official ADGA herd name is “Browncoats,” so when they are registered, their full names will be “Browncoats Zoe” and “Browncoats Badger.” While the character Badger might object to being allied with anyone other than himself, this little goat won’t be with us long anyway, so he won’t have too much time to stew about it. 😉 In the meantime, brother and sister really enjoy cuddling together underneath the hay feeder in the kid pen. Ginger is still with them, and we’ve decided to let them nurse off of her for the time being, and we will eventually transition them to being bottle fed in the coming days. Ginger has demonstrated excellent maternal qualities – what a good girl!

We’ve realized that Inara was absolutely premature – she is still not as large as Zoe, who is the smaller of the two twins. We’ve reviewed the calendar, and done some day counting, and she was at least a few days early. She’s doing well, though, and is still staying with us in the house. She’s becoming rather acrobatic, and it’s amazing to watch this little creature just a few days old developing her skills by the hour. We’re milking her mom Veronica, and mixing mom’s milk with some milk replacer formula to supplement the quantity – she would not be able to keep up with her daughter’s appetite! Inara loves to eat, and we are happy to oblige, because she’s so diminutive, we want to see her grow large enough to be safe in the barn with the rest of the herd. She does visit with them a couple of times a day to remain familiar with everyone (and vice-versa) and also, to have some playtime. You can see her bouncing around in and out of the scene in the video I took of Maryman showing off her love of sliding.

We’re still waiting on Heidi, Lovie, and Gidget to show signs of going into labor, and that could happen any day now. We will, of course, keep you posted of any news on that front!

We hope you enjoy this blog and the antics of our farm. Please check out our fan page on Face­book and “like” it for spe­cial updates there, and if you use Twit­ter, by all means, please add us so we can tweet with you!

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