Just In Case

Just a quick heads-up – we may experience a brief site outage tomorrow, and we want to make sure that if we do, you are aware that it is only temporary! We live in a rural area that is not serviced by cable or DSL, so our broadband connection is a T1 line, and we host our sites from our home server. The T1 line was installed last year and buried about a foot down, but it traverses the mouth of our neighbor’s dirt driveway, and earlier this winter, he inadvertently dug it up while plowing. That resulted in an outage for several hours. Now that the ground is starting to thaw, they have scheduled a crew to come tomorrow to re-bury the line. We’re hoping it won’t result in any outage, but if it does, you know why!

If an outage does occur, I will provide updates and a restoration ETA (if I am provided that information) via my phone on Twitter.

Thanks for your patience and understanding in advance. Hopefully, however, neither will be necessary. We are hoping for a smooth completion of the project.

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