The Goat Abides



River, our little Nigerian Dwarf doeling, is quite the character. She loves to cuddle, and if I sit down while I’ve got everyone outside, it’s a good bet that she’ll be in my lap within 60 seconds or so of noticing me at ground level. We really dig her.

Yesterday, I realized that she apparently subscribes to the same Dudeist belief system that I do. How do I know? Check her out, grazing alongside her fellow herd members, with minimal effort given to vertical lift.

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4 responses to “The Goat Abides”

  1. Esther Avatar

    Glad to see she is doing so well. We spent a lot of time playing and holding them. A benefit of being homeschooled. I could do my school in the barn with the goats! It makes me happy to see her in such a good home! (do you remember me from TSC?)
    I like the name River.

    1. Trase Avatar

      I do remember you from TSC Esther! So glad that you found the website. 🙂 And let me tell you, all of the care that you and your siblings put into these goats *shows* so much. She is just wonderful, and we love her a lot. In fact, our son (who is almost five) has told us on more than one occasion that she’s his favorite. 😉

      I think that it sounds awesome to be able to spend time with goats as part of your education. I’d have loved that, myself.

      Do you still have babies, or have you found all of them new homes already?


      1. Esther Avatar

        Yes, we have sold all the babies that we had at TSC. We are going to keep one. We didn’t bring her with us that one day. She was small when she was born and lived in the house and was bottled fed. We call her Natina( my brother Nathan was the only one home to help wtih the birth and she’s tiny….Na{Nate}tina.
        Esther/Jo(my mom)

        1. Trase Avatar

          Well, you have some wonderful goats – great work raising them! 🙂 Natina sounds really sweet, and I think the name is adorable. We may be calling you again next season to see if you have more doelings, we are really enjoying the Nigerian breed.

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