I’m really pleased to announce that we are now an affiliate with Chelsea Green Publishing! They specialize in sustainable living as their subject matter focus, and are responsible for bringing Joel Salatin’s books to us. If you’ve been reading our blog for more than…ohhh…a couple of days, you know I’m a huge fan of him and his work. (I sure do cite him often!) Well, besides his books, there are a lot of other great authors out there whose works are also published by Chelsea Green, and I have many of them on my wish list. You might too, or perhaps, when you visit their site, you will create that list! If you would be so kind as to visit through our link, we will earn a percentage of the sale. We’d deeply appreciate it.
Watch next week for a new section on the site for recommended reading – which is also where you’ll be able to easily access the affiliate link in the future, so you don’t have to go searching for this post. 🙂
Thanks everyone, and have a fabulous weekend!
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