Goat Milk and Meat

We are busy here on the farm with a lot of projects, and we’ve had three sets of births so far this season, all twins! Two of our Nigerian Dwarves and one of our Alpine mixes have new babies bouncing in the barn. Watch for weaned babies available for sale in the coming months!

Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats In Sweaters!
Baby Nigerian Dwarf Goats In Sweaters!

We also currently have some grass-fed meat goats available – we will take them in for processing on February 26th. You pay us $2.25/lb hanging weight and a $60 processing fee to the slaughterhouse, from which you pick up directly. Please email if you are interested.

There have been several phone calls and emails lately inquiring about buying goat milk. Many folks are learning about the health benefits of goat milk, and we encourage you to continue your research! However, we must stress that at no time have we ever sold goat milk from our farm. Only herdshare owners (people who buy ownership shares in the herd) are legally able to obtain fresh milk from any farm in the State of Michigan. This involves legal contracts, a commitment to weekly pickups and a monthly agistment fee. Agistment is what covers the cost of the care, feeding, housing, and milking of the herd. It is not payment for milk, but rather, for the care and upkeep of the herd of which you become a fractional owner. These are important things to know when you start on your task  of finding a farm close to you that has a herdshare program.

We closed our herdshare program a few months ago and have not offered any new shares, and we have no plans of offering new shares at this time.  If you are looking for milk, please check realmilk.com to find a farm offering openings in their herdshare program. We also strongly encourage you to join the Farm To Consumer Legal Defense Fund to help protect your right to obtain fresh milk and for your farm of choice to continue producing it for you.

2012 was chock full of challenges for all farmers due to the drought and resulting exorbitant feed costs, and on a personal level, we have experienced a major career change for my husband and endured the painful loss of his father at the end of the summer. Here’s to hoping for a better 2013 for everyone! So far, so good. 🙂

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