Our little Banty Roo takes his job very seriously. He guards our little flock of Banty hens and supervises their daily jaunts around the yard. While we built the screened in yard off of their coop to try and contain them – and we move it around to give them fresh yard – they have figured out how to escape and enjoy exploring, so we just try to round them up at night and get them inside. Until our recent time change for Daylight Savings, they were often already roosting inside the coop and I only needed to shut their door.
Longer hours of sunlight mean they are not necessarily ready to go inside when I’m ready for them to do so. And Van Damme, as I’ve taken to calling him, is a fan of kickboxing me as soon as he hears me approach. I can appreciate dissent, and he cracks me up. But I had to instigate back with him a bit the other day, and I took video. One of these days I’ll figure out how to use the ole GoPro and start sharing more farm antics. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy…
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